Integrative UI/Backend Acceptance Tests with NestJS and React
Acceptance-Testing NestJS Microservices
Using Contract Tests for reliable memory fakes
Fast and Furious Acceptance Tests for NestJS applications
Chaos-Engineering Your Culture: Building a Self-Healing Organization
Software Dermatitis
Your Code as a Lava Lamp
You Don't Need Kubernetes (Yet)
The Hidden Benefits of Working on a Rotten Codebase
Shift-Left and The Pitfalls of Overplanning
Unit Tests Considered Harmful
Not The Design We Want, The Design We Deserve
Of Rigid Microservices and Flexible Monoliths
Holistic Software Development
Agile Isn't Dead, It Just Smells Funny
Case Study: Testing the Codium.AI VS Code Extension
Fake, Don't Mock
Learning Tests: better than benzos
Flutter: a love story